ONLINE APPLICATION FOR DEEN DAYAL JAN AWAS YOJNA PLOTS IN LYKEHOMES AVENUEIN SECTOR 3, FARUKHNAGAR , GURUGRAM, HARYANA THIS IS REGISTRATION WINDOW FOR DDJAY PLOTS IN FARUKHNAGAR, GURUGRAM, HARYANA Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. Applicant Name *# *SonWifeDaughterSon/Daughter/Wife of *PAN *Phone *Email *Address *Address 2Applicant Type *Female ApplicantGovt. Employee ApplicantGeneral ApplicantSelect Preferred Size *Type A - 151.95 Sq. Yards Type B - 142.98 Sq. Yards Type C - 122.44 Sq. YardsType D - 161.72 Sq. YardsType E - 164.06 Sq. YardsType H - 156.27 Sq. Yards# *By Clicking Checkbox, You agree to Terms & Conditions.Click Here To ReadRegister & Pay